23.6. Control Structures

Control structures are probably the most useful (and important) part of PL/pgSQL. With PL/pgSQL's control structures, you can manipulate PostgreSQL data in a very flexible and powerful way.

23.6.1. Returning from a function

RETURN expression;

The function terminates and the value of expression will be returned to the upper executor. The expression's result will be automatically casted into the function's return type as described for assignments.

The return value of a function cannot be left undefined. If control reaches the end of the top-level block of the function without hitting a RETURN statement, a runtime error will occur.

23.6.2. Conditionals

IF statements let you execute commands based on certain conditions. PL/pgSQL has four forms of IF: IF-THEN, IF-THEN-ELSE, IF-THEN-ELSE IF, and IF-THEN-ELSIF-THEN-ELSE.

23.6.3. Simple Loops

With the LOOP, EXIT, WHILE and FOR statements, you can arrange for your PL/pgSQL function to repeat a series of commands.

23.6.4. Looping Through Query Results

Using a different type of FOR loop, you can iterate through the results of a query and manipulate that data accordingly. The syntax is:

FOR record | row IN select_query LOOP

The record or row variable is successively assigned all the rows resulting from the SELECT query and the loop body is executed for each row. Here is an example:

     mviews RECORD;
     PERFORM cs_log(''Refreshing materialized views...'');

     FOR mviews IN SELECT * FROM cs_materialized_views ORDER BY sort_key LOOP

         -- Now "mviews" has one record from cs_materialized_views

         PERFORM cs_log(''Refreshing materialized view '' || quote_ident(mviews.mv_name) || ''...'');
         EXECUTE ''TRUNCATE TABLE  '' || quote_ident(mviews.mv_name);
         EXECUTE ''INSERT INTO '' || quote_ident(mviews.mv_name) || '' '' || mviews.mv_query;
     END LOOP;

     PERFORM cs_log(''Done refreshing materialized views.'');
     RETURN 1;
' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

If the loop is terminated by an EXIT statement, the last assigned row value is still accessible after the loop.

The FOR-IN-EXECUTE statement is another way to iterate over records:

FOR record | row IN EXECUTE text_expression LOOP 

This is like the previous form, except that the source SELECT statement is specified as a string expression, which is evaluated and re-planned on each entry to the FOR loop. This allows the programmer to choose the speed of a pre-planned query or the flexibility of a dynamic query, just as with a plain EXECUTE statement.