3.14. pg_operator

See CREATE OPERATOR and the Programmer's Guide for details on these operator parameters.

Table 3-14. pg_operator Columns

oprnamename Name of the operator
oprownerint4pg_shadow.usesysidOwner (creator) of the operator
oprprecint2 unused
oprkindchar  'b' = infix ("both"), 'l' = prefix ("left"), 'r' = postfix ("right")
oprisleftbool unused
oprcanhashbool This operator supports hash joins.
oprleftoidpg_type.oidType of the left operand
oprrightoidpg_type.oidType of the right operand
oprresultoidpg_type.oidType of the result
oprcomoidpg_operator.oidCommutator of this operator, if any
oprnegateoidpg_operator.oidNegator of this operator, if any
oprlsortopoidpg_operator.oid If this operator supports merge joins, the operator that sorts the type of the left-hand operand
oprrsortopoidpg_operator.oid If this operator supports merge joins, the operator that sorts the type of the right-hand operand
oprcoderegproc Function that implements this operator
oprrestregproc Restriction selectivity estimation function for this operator
oprjoinregproc Join selectivity estimation function for this operator